Arab Women Organization

A regional seminar titled "Gender Equality in Citizenship in Arab Countries May 2023

Achievements and Challenges" was held in Beirut on May 29-30, 2023. The event was organized by the Arab Women Organization in collaboration with the Lebanese National Commission for Women and the German Agency for International Cooperation on behalf of the German government. This seminar was conducted as part of the celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Arab Women Organization.

The seminar was attended by several notable individuals, including Mrs. Claudine Aoun, the President of the Lebanese National Commission for Women and a member of the organization's supreme council in Lebanon, Dr. Fadia Kiwan, the Director-General of the organization, and Ms. Annette Frank, the director of the WoMena program at GIZ.

Experts from the Arab region also participated in the seminar, which featured discussions across five working sessions. These experts included Ghassan Moukheiber, a Lebanese lawyer and activist in child and women's rights and development issues, Dr. Ziad Assayegh, an expert in public policy and refugee affairs, Dr. Ounaya Ezzedine, the head of the Women and Children's Committee in the Lebanese Parliament, Mr. George Okais, Mr. Farid Bustani, the parliamentary economic committee chairman, Mrs. Fidaa Al-Hamoud, a human rights consultant from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Mrs. Mona Rashed Al-Salh, the deputy head of the Lebanese National Commission for Women, and Mrs. Wafa Dika Hamze, former State Minister for Parliamentary Affairs in Lebanon and a member of the executive council of the Arab Women Organization in Lebanon. Dr. Ghada Shareem, the chair of the Women's Participation in Politics and Decision-Making Committee, and Mr. Jawad Adra, the director of the International Information Center, also participated in the seminar.

Furthermore, the event saw the involvement of representatives from national women's affairs bodies, political parties, civil society organizations, as well as experts and activists in women's and human rights from Lebanon and other Arab countries, including Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, Oman, Libya, Iraq, and members of the National Women's Affairs Committee.